Hello and welcome to my website! This site was created by my simple whim to have a neocities (because I already had a spacehey made and I wanted more TwT).

Feel free to look around! Although I must tell you that I'm a bit new to coding and the site is not finished yet, sorry about that, but I'm working as much as I can on it!

My name is Elizabeth but you can call me Nini, I'm a girl, Furima and Bunnie so you'll probably see almost all my site set with stuff from both Tokio Hotel and Newjeans! My hobbies are bedrotting, playing videogames, making handicrafts, collecting stickers and stationery, drawing and listening to music.

Where to go?

tips:get ready to watch twc
tips: check out my spacehey!
homepage - is the top of the page, a welcome to my site!
about me - site where you can see a better and more structured explanation of who I am.
art gallery - I guess there's not much to say, just my drawings.
blog - just my online diary lol
TH fanpage - my tokyo hotel fanpage which I'm very proud of :)
sitemap - it's this same thing only without the explanation lol


tokio hotel - both the history of the band and my love for them.
newjeans - my favorite girlgroup
skins - series that marked something in my heart (in a nutshell, my favorite series hehe).
pokemon - it's been a long time since i played it, even so, it's a videogame that was part of my childhood and i think it's unconditional in a kid's life.
fullmetal alchemist - a masterpiece.


07/06/24 ; I finally did my about me yaay! What I struggle with the most (and I always struggle in my webiste lol) is the decoration (because I only know how to decorate and not make websites and that's why I use templates-), it took me so long to finish decorating! I even spent an hour choosing the background but I finally got it and I'm satisfied with the result.

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OWL I luv him more than anything