Where to go?

tips:get ready to watch twc
tips: check out my spacehey!
homepage - is the top of the page, a welcome to my site!
about me - site where you can see a better and more structured explanation of who I am.
art gallery - I guess there's not much to say, just my drawings.
blog - just my online diary lol
TH fanpage - my tokyo hotel fanpage which I'm very proud of :)
sitemap - it's this same thing only without the explanation lol


tokio hotel - both the history of the band and my love for them.
newjeans - my favorite girlgroup
skins - series that marked something in my heart (in a nutshell, my favorite series hehe).
pokemon - it's been a long time since i played it, even so, it's a videogame that was part of my childhood and i think it's unconditional in a kid's life.
fullmetal alchemist - a masterpiece.

crazy silly time